Product Signage Fixtures


  • Sleep Number uses acrylic fixtures in its more than 600 retail stores to display product information
  • The company was interested in testing a recycled alternative to help achieve corporate goals for sustainable sourcing


  • Sleep Number chose to test 1/2" Recrylic® certified recycled acrylic to provide attractive protection over product information signage
  • Recrylic offered the same attractiveness, performance and cost as virgin acrylic, without the need for using raw petroleum


  • The initial test included fixtures at 50 stores – with a total weight of about 18 pounds per store
  • Eco-friendly savings for this test = about 6 barrels of oil, or 2.8 tons of CO2
  • Assuming a rollout of 600 locations, that would generate about 34 tons of CO2 saved – or the equivalent of taking 7.4 cars off the road, for a full year – just from one fixture
Custom illuminated signs; custom unlit signs; recycled acrylic

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